Saturday 5 October 2013

Horror inspired 1.

At the beginning of 2013, I wanted to start drawing some classic and iconic horror film characters. 

This is the first of the characters I have drawn out of my iconic horror film series.

This is the start and the finished product of my horror film inspired drawing of "The Creature From The Black Lagoon".

On the left, is the beginning of my drawing, starting with a basic sketch of the character which I began from looking at a number of images from the classic film.

After adding a lot more detail and shading to the body and face of the character, I looked at the different colour schemes I could use to colour in the character, the classic colour scheme would've been to colour the character in all green. However to put my own personal touch to the character, I decided to make the webbing between his claws, the fins and gills as blue with his padded chest scales and shoulder extrusions as a yellow with darker yellow/orange shading.

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