Sunday 6 October 2013

Sunday Sketches 2. I, Frankenstein.

Sunday Sketches - I,Frankenstein drawing. (week 1)

So this is how this piece came to be. Last night I was flicking through all the new and different movie trailers that have been released this year because well, I'm a movie geek as well as a wanna be artist. 
While I was flicking through the numerous trailers, I stumbled upon the I,Frankenstein trailer. So in my creative an made productive mood, I decided, well compelled to draw a scene on which Frankenstein (Aaron Eckhart), made up this is by the way, has just been brought back to life by electricity in a thunder storm. 
After drawing a basic body on the page, I needed to draw the face, I did this by focusing on the trailer for the film as I wanted to make him look similar to the actor but not 100%.So I started by creating a rough draft of the placement of his facial features.

Once I was happy with his facial features, I decided to place the scars on the body, now this is the point where I could'nt really see alot of the scars on the actor so I decided to place the scars I could see on the chest and the face but the arm scars and the neck scars I pretty much just guessed.

The finished product can be seen above, the shading of the body I am really happy with and the background is ok. I think that if I was to do this image again, I would probably make the background more detailed and overall have a bit more depth. I would also change how the rain is portrayed as it hits his skin. 

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